The Classroom - Conferences
The Classroom - Conferences
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Looking at the above picture confirms that fall has come. With fall, the new routines become well established, with a few minor tweaks here and there, and then the parents come to see the school, check up on their children’s grades and meet the teachers for this infant of a school year that is quickly growing into toddlerhood.
I do look forward to meeting the parents of my students. Over the years I have seen a variety of approaches: the entire family comes with the student, just one parent, maybe both parents, sometimes I get one parent and then the other parent or a step-parent or even an older sibling. Regardless of who shows up, this person or people care about this student to make the effort to visit me during the few hours that have been carved out of the school year’s schedule to stop by, introduce themselves and have a few minute conversation with me.
Now, don’t get the wrong impression. Not all parents have been happy to see me - just about 99 percent of them. That one percent makes up the minority of parents who are only looking to pick a fight, a manner to publicly embarrass their son or daughter or even an opportunity to show how strong and firm of a parent they are by making some rather inappropriate or off-handed comments in front of me, an administrator and/or other parents.
If you have a child, I have two, do make an effort to be involved in his or her education. This child’s education cannot be achieved solely by the student, the teacher and the parent. We must work together to help this child succeed.